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Call it Spring...

2018-welcome to my life. I feel as though time is going at such a rapid pace that new years come and go in a flash. But there’s just something about the new year that signifies new beginnings, new opportunities, and second chances. Each new year I’m even more grateful to God for the successes and failures of the previous year. I make a conscious effort at the start of every year to sit down and set goals that I would like to achieve by the end of the year. I’ve been consistent with this since I can remember, and at the end of every year it’s such an amazing feeling to see that the goals I set out to achieve have been reached (and sometimes superseded), but I also like to see  those I didn’t achieve. I celebrate both the successes and failures because they equally contribute to my growth each year. I am an avid believer in goal-setting as I feel it sets your year up on the path you want it to go, and at the same time it streamlines your actions.

Goals that are written down and regularly reviewed are a great way to keep you motivated and focused throughout the year. Now I don’t believe in resolutions as those are hit or miss (and often times don’t carry over past January), but in contrast goal-setting for the year leaves room to make mistakes (as we are human) and gives you something to work towards. If you’ve never done it before I challenge you to set 5- 10 goals you want to achieve this year, review them regularly (tracking your progress throughout the year if necessary) and at the end of 2018 revisit your goals and see how far you’ve come! My sister and I shared our goals with each other this year so that we could hold each other accountable to them, and assist each other to achieve them where we can. Grab a friend or relative and share your 2018 goals with them. It also helps to categorize your goals (financial, relational, career…) and put them somewhere you can easily revisit. Ask yourself: Where do I see myself by the end of 2018? One of my goals this year is to write one blog post a month consistently until December (you can all hold me accountable for this one).

People often ask me how I stay organized and remember all the things I have to get done. My answer: A planner. Planners are a great way to keep all your activities in one place. I write my yearly goals in my planner, this way they are easy to revisit when things get tough or I’m having a rough day. I tell myself “You said you wanted to achieve this by the end of the year- keep pressing, you’ve got this.” So a planner is on the top of my must-have list this Spring. You’re a lot more likely to remember things when they’re written down. No matter who you are or what you do, you can find a planner that fits you. I also started a journal challenge with a few close friends at the beginning of January. Every day this month we’ve committed to 45mins-1hr of journaling and spending time with God (reading the bible, meditating, praying). I think this is a great way to set time aside every day to consciously spend quiet time with God. It’s the beginning of a new year and new school semester and things get very busy very quickly. We’ve committed to taking this time to focus on God in the midst of the hustle and bustle and to surrender our year to Him. 

With that said, I leave you with this thought:

Spring is a season of transformation and when things arise and are made new. January signifies newness and a fresh start. This year- choose to leave what needs to be left in 2017-in 2017. With newness comes leaving old things behind. What ‘new’ goal are you striving to achieve this year, and who (or what) do you need to bring along the ride? Leave whatever is going to slow you down in the past. Dedicate time to set goals (not resolutions) for yourself and by the end of the year you’ll be amazed at the goals you’ve achieved (and even surpassed) and at the progress you’ve made towards those goals you did not fully achieve.

 I wish you health, success, joy and blessings this 2018! I would love to hear some of your goals for this year-so drop me a comment below, or let me know if you’d like to join in on the journal challenge.

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